Sunday, November 15, 2009

How a Woman in Her Forties Lost Weight

This is the story of how I lost 15 pounds in my mid-40s. I Preach it now, and called them "watch out for the once-in-a-while's".

I am a registered dietitian, I know how many calories in almost all foods, I know how many grams of fat there is in one portion, such as are contained many grams of carbohydrates, which is a reasonable portion size, and which foods have little nutritional value, I know how many servings a day should I of fruit, vegetables, dairy products, and strengths.

I know everything them. Why had I gained 15 pounds in the last 5 years and why it has not come out? I ate very well - I did not binge, eat fast food often have dessert after every meal, or go for ice cream every night. I've been eating what I thought was a fairly low-calorie diet (about 1800 calories per day), so what should I change?

At the moment I do not know if they beat me, but it hit me hard and I never forgot: I was thinking how well I avoid high> Calorie meals, to struggle to figure out where I was to do away with hundreds of calories a day so that I could lose a few pounds each month. I hardly eat fast food - maybe only once every two weeks or so. I rarely had pizza, because I knew that a high-calorie food was, I would not, if it for a few weeks since the last time. Ditto with our local buffet restaurant, take-out Chinese food and eating in a restaurant that serves sandwiches andButter before the main meal. I do not often eat dessert for dinner, even though they boasted of quite a display of them in the cafeteria, where I worked, I would treat myself once or twice a week. I would enjoy very rare in a donut or sweet roll for breakfast, so it was especially fun when I would give every week or so. Sometimes, I get on the road during a journey, and I would relax the "rules" a little, so for snacks to pass the time on the hard disk - but that wasonly four or five times a year.

Are you seeing what I do now? I have tried each of these indulgences a reasonable cut-off frequency, but there were so many of them had I not smart about all of them, I was not always the importance of eating the sum of all the foods that provide excessive calories. I was practically in fact an additional intake of 500 calories in the form of something or other every other day: If I did not have pizza that week I have the extra calories from Chinese and Fast FoodMeals, if I did not desert the calories I had taken earlier in the shape of donuts when I went to the ice, I did not have enough movement to walk from the cake out of the office party too!

I thought I thought that this "once-in-a-while's" up to once a month, but in reality I was "limiting" my Mark 15 fattening foods, which amounted to 15 times a month - once a month for each of them - I had just found the hundreds of calories to shave from my diet and letPounds of canceled!

My new plan was to eat a high calorie meal or food only once a week - totally. I could choose one day a week to pizza or fast food or dessert, or a donut. I could not rationalize that I was not a Cinnabon for six months, if I just twice a year the candy bars yesterday - I would never negative calorie balance I needed this week to lose weight.

I struggled with the idea of giving up, pizza, when itso tempting in the nights I did not feel like cooking, to what my favorite restaurant, you go through when I was out and about and hungry all at once what my favorite donuts - just because I like donuts. But in the long run, I realized I wanted to lose 15 pounds more than I wanted to eat donuts. There are many foods that I do not like, and it really is that easy in the pleasures that I enjoy as it wither on the foods that bring me anything but immediate focusand temporary satisfaction, plus additional weight in the long term.

So I am enjoying my fruit at snack time chewing on carrot sticks instead of potato chips with a sandwich, enjoy the search for new and easy recipes to make for dinner, looking for treats low-calorie ice cream in the freezer for light desserts and in advance planning for times, I do not like to cook at home. We eat a lot less often and to explain how much we have saved in money, gas, and calories at the end of our familyDinner. It feels good to a healthier almost all the time instead of only half the time to eat. And successful, the bottom line for losing weight: It feels much better with a weight that I want to weigh when they eat, what I do not want to eat.

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